Noxious Weeds

A community register of noxious weeds distribution is kept at the Shire Office, and control of noxious weeds is a high priority. A Weed Strategy has been developed and Bridal Creeper has been identified as a priority weed in the Shire.

How You Can Help

The Shire have actively progressed to reduce the amount of Noxious weeds within its boundaries and reserves. The list below shows some common weeds:

 POACEAE, Avena fatua - Wild Oat
Description: Tufted grass to 1m high. Loosely branched inflorescence has large drooping spikelets each with 2 or 3 florets
Flowering System: Spring
Commonly Found: disturbed bushland & roadsides
 POACEAE, Hordeum leporinum - Barley Grass
Description: Grasses with an unbranched bristly head or prominently long-awned spikelets 3-10cm long
Flowering System: Spring
Commonly Found: widespread as weeds of crops and roadsides
 ASTERACEAE, Dittrichia graveolens - Stinkwort
Description: Sticky erect annual herb with an unpleasant smell when crushed. Greatly branched leafy flowering stem to 50cm high arising from a basal rosette of leaves. Small flower heads are yellow, with small outer radiating petal-like florets. Tiny fruits are topped with a ring of bristles
Flowering System: Late Summer to Early Winter
Commonly Found: common weed in pasture, roadsides and waste land (Stinkwort can cause stock loss and dermatitis
 POLYGONACEAE, Emex australis - Doublegee, Spiny Emex (Declared Pest Plant)
Description: ground hugging with ovate leaves 2-7cm long. The greenish inconspicuous flowers are in small clusers. Fruit is woody with 3 rigid sharp spines
Flowering System: Spring
Commonly Found: widespread serious weed in agriculture and waste land
 IRIDACEAE, Moraea flaccida - One-leaved Cape Tulip (Declared Pest Plant)
Description: Single sprawling basal leaf to 70cm long, produced annual from a small corm. Short lived pink to orange flowers, with 6 petals 3-4cm long. Prior to flowering Cape Tulip can be recognised by browning-off of the leaf tips
Flowering System: Late Winter & Spring
Commonly Found: a weed of pasture, roadsides and disturbed bushland (toxic to stock)
 OXALIDACEAE, Oxalis pes-caprae - Soursob
Description: Tubers and bulbs with clusters of yellow flowers radiating from a tall stalk held above a tuft of long stalked heart shaped leaves, sometimes with dark marks
Flowering System: Much of the year, mainly Winter & Spring
Commonly Found: gardens, crops and pasture also along roadsides
 OXALIDACEAE, Oxalis purpurea - Four’O’Clock
Description: Rosettes of leaves arising from a bulb, the leaflets may be tinged purple on the underside. The flowers occur singly and are usually pink to purple with a yellow throat
Flowering System: Much of the year, mainly Winter and Spring
Commonly Found: gardens, crops and pasture also along roadsides
 POLYGONACEAE, Polygonum aviculare - Wireweed
Description: Ground hugging herb with oval leaves 5-12mm long. In the leaf axils are small clusters of pink-tinged flowers 2-3mm long. Fruits are small and 3 angled, enclosed in withered flower
Flowering System: Autumn & Spring pastures
Commonly Found: roadsides and waste land
 ASPARAGACEAE, Asparagus asparagoides - Bridal Creeper
Description: Climber with wiry stems arising from tuberous roots and sprawling aggressively for several metres, and climbing into trees. Shiny heart-shaped leaves up to 7cm long. Small white flowers occur all along the stems, 6 free petals about 5mm long. Fruits are red fleshy berries up to 1cm across
Flowering System: Spring roadsides
Commonly Found: Native reserves

If you have any of these weeds, and require assistance in suggested eradication methods, please contact us.