
The Shire of Wagin is now accepting cat registrations which are now a requirement by law that cats over the age of six (6) months be registered with a Local Government. Upon registration cat owners need to be able to provide proof that their cat has been sterilised and microchipped. A copy of the cat registration form can be found below. Statutory Declarations are acceptable as evidence of sterilisation when the veterinarian certificate is not available.

Cat Registration Form 

Application of the Grant or Renewal of Approval to Breed Cats

'Cats & Wildlife' Brochure

Cat Registration for 1 year $20.00
Cat Registration after 31st May to 31st October $10.00
Cat Registration for 3 years $42.50
Cat Registration for Life $100.00
Fee for application for grant or renewal of approval to breed cats (per breeding cat male or female) $100.00
Daily Pound Fees $25.00
Impound and Release Fee $105.80
Destruction of Cats


After Hours Release Fee


Cat Fines in accordance with the Cat Act  


Make sure your cat is sterilised. Sterilised cats are healthier, live longer and are less of a nuisance to the community.

The first litter is the main source of supply to cat overpopulation - 40% of cat owners deliberately have a first litter. Last year 15,000 healthy cats and kittens were destroyed in Perth alone. Uncontrolled cats mating or fighting  at night is a major source of noise complaints to councils as it can be very annoying for other residents.

Free ranging unsterilised male cats spraying on doors, door mats and cars is unfair to neighbours as well as annoying and unsanitary. Sterilised male cats wander less and their urine does not have a high hormonal odour.


Many lost or  injured cats never find their homes simply because they have no identification.

  • Microchipping is the safest form of identification for cats which are then recorded in  a central computer data base
  • Stretch collars with an identification disc are suitable for most cats
  • Sterilised cats are marked with a tattoo in the ear to prevent further unnecessary surgery if the cat gets lost and is rehomed
  • Advertise, contact neighbours, vets and animal shelters if you have lost your cat, it may have lost its identification


Preferably cats should be confined to a pen or house at night - between 8pm and 7am as cats are nocturnal. They will wander further at night and may typically

  • Attack wildlife
  • Get hit by a car
  • Become savaged by dogs
  • Get into fights with other cats, which can leave you with a vet bill totalling hundreds of dollars
  • Protect territory by fighting with other cats predominantly during the night


Myth: Cats need a first litter to settle them down

This is false - cats are healthier if sterilised by five and half months and are at less risk of catching diseases from roaming tom cats.

Myth: Male cats do not need to be sterilised

This is false - male cats are most troublesome as they are driven to fight for mating territory and are at risk from abscesses, leukemia and cats aids.

Myth: It is cruel to deny female cats motherhood

This is false - sterilisation is not cruel - killing kittens is, death from birth complications are common as well as mistreatment of unwanted kittens.

Myth: The birth of a litter is a good education experience for children

This is false - the experience is rarely continued by taking the children to a cat refuge to see excess kittens being destroyed. Most children are upset knowing their pets will not return home.

Limitation on the Number of Cats

A person shall not keep more than two (2) cats over the age of three (3) months on any land within the district, except within the rural zone of the district where cateries may be permitted. A person may apply for an exemption to keep more than two (2) cats.

Keeping of Cats Guidelines

Cat Act 2011 - frequently asked questions

Useful Web Pages

You may find the web pages below useful

Cat Haven -


Department of Local Government -

Shire Ranger

The Shire of Wagin's Pound is located at the Shire Depot Vernon Street Wagin. For information relating to any animals at the pound please contact Ranger Larry Stanbridge 0448 091 360 or the Shire Office on 9861 1177.