Fire Control

Council has distributed a Fire Management Requirements 2022 - 2023 booklet to all ratepayers. It is important that owners and/or occupiers of land in the Shire comply with the requirements of the firebreak notice. Severe penalties apply for non-compliance.

Property owners are advised to consider early spraying and burning of blocks. This will greatly reduce problems which may arise during the restricted and prohibited burning times.

Local contractors who will provide this service are:

  • Dean Morgan - 0428 611 732
  • Ron Cumper - 0447 423 944
  • Larry Stanbridge - 0437 025 415
  • Daniel Cooper - 0427 982 341

The periods for 2023/2024 are as follows:

Restricted Burning Time

October 1st  – October 31st 2023

March 15th 2024 – April 30th 2024  Restricted burning for 2024 has been extended, permits are required to May 14th 

Prohibited Burning Time

November 1st 2023 – March 14th 2024

These times are subject to change so please check with your Fire Control Officer.

Fire Control Officers

Fire Control Officers
Position/Brigade Name Phone
Chief Fire Control Officer X White 0438 611 126

Deputy Fire Control Officer 1

Deputy Fire Control Officer 2

W Brockway

C Piesse

0409 102 704

0418 470 113

Warup West Bryn Becker  0400 191 112
Warup Ian McDougall 0428 622 049
Parkeyerring Wade Brockway 0409 102 704
Piesseville Ross Goldsmith 0427 611 529
Base Carol Goldsmith 0409 111 046
Piesseville West Chris Piesse 0418 470 113
Cancanning Anthony Rowell 0437 480 312
Cancanning North Steve Angwin 0428 616 053
Badgarning Cam Clifton 0448 612  033
Ballaying Xavier White 0438 611 126

Wagin Base will operate on UHF Emergency Channel 5. If attending a fire, Brigade members are asked to switch to this channel.
On a harvest ban day Wagin Base will announce results of weather checks at twenty minutes part the hour on this channel.

Harvest Ban Info Line call 0438 013 123 during the fire season.

With the bushfire season upon us, a website has been developed with tips and advice for Western Australian communities across the State to ensure their homes are bushfire ready  Are you Ready