Media Release: Bart the Giant Ram Stands as a Beacon for Live Sheep Exports

Published on Monday, 10 June 2024 at 11:00:00 AM

The Shire of Wagin’s iconic Bart the Giant Ram has been adorned with banners bearing powerful messages: "Stand with Our Farmers," "Keep the Sheep," and "Save Rural Communities." This bold statement underscores the Wagin community’s support for an industry vital to the livelihoods of everyone living in Western Australia’s Wheatbelt.


In a show of solidarity and determination, the Shire of Wagin will join forces with farmers and rural communities at the Commonwealth Parliament House of Representatives Inquiry at Muresk this Friday. The Inquiry will provide a platform to present the critical importance of continuing live sheep exports, which have long been a cornerstone of the region's economic stability and growth.


"Live sheep exports underwrite the economic sustainability of the entire livestock industry in Western Australia,” stated the Shire President. "We are committed to ensuring that the voices of our farmers are heard and that the Commonwealth Government understands the profound impact and damage this decision has made on our way of life."


The decoration of Bart the Giant Ram with banners is a visual declaration of the community's resolve. Bart, recently featured in a special coin release, stands not only as a symbol of local heritage but also as a testament to the enduring spirit of Western Australia’s rural heartland.


“Bart is a symbol of Wagin and the banners are a reminder to everyone that visits Wagin that without live export there is no sheep industry to celebrate.”


The upcoming inquiry at Muresk represents a crucial opportunity for stakeholders to present their case. The Shire of Wagin will emphasise the importance of this industry to the entire Wheatbelt community.



Cr Phillip Blight



End of Media Release



Media Enquiries to Cr Phillip Blight | M: 0429 948 868 | E: 

Media Release: Bart the Giant Ram Stands as a Beacon for Live Sheep Exports

Images (4) by Shire of Wagin: Wagin Shire President Cr Phillip Blight and Cr Wade Longmuir with Wagin’s iconic ram statue ‘Bart’ decorated with the Keep the Sheep Banners.

Shire of Wagin: Wagin Shire President Cr Phillip Blight and Cr Wade Longmuir with Wagin’s iconic ram statue ‘Bart’ decorated with the Keep the Sheep Banners.

Shire of Wagin: Wagin Shire President Cr Phillip Blight and Cr Wade Longmuir with Wagin’s iconic ram statue ‘Bart’ decorated with the Keep the Sheep Banners.

Shire of Wagin: Wagin Shire President Cr Phillip Blight and Cr Wade Longmuir with Wagin’s iconic ram statue ‘Bart’ decorated with the Keep the Sheep Banners.

Shire of Wagin: Wagin Shire President Cr Phillip Blight and Cr Wade Longmuir with Wagin’s iconic ram statue ‘Bart’ decorated with the Keep the Sheep Banners.

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